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Thursday, January 9, 2014 - 17:21

CMS Eliminating Eligibility Inquiries for Part A in the CWF, April 2014

CMS will be terminating the Common Working File ELGA, ELGH, HIQA, HIQH, and HUQA for Part A Provider queries on April 7, 2014


What does this mean to Part A Providers currently using FISS/DDE to look up Patient Eligibility?

  • This means providers needing to inquire on patient eligibility for Medicare Part A services will need to use CMS' HETS system after April 7, 2014.

What should ClaimShuttle Users Do?

  • ClaimShuttle Users should make sure to activate the Eligibility Inquiry Feature for their account so they can contitnue to submit eligibility inquiries for Part A services. Don't forget that Access to the HETS Eligibility is included in all ClaimShuttle accounts for free! All successful eligibiilty responses just go towards your tier for your monthly EDI File Transfer volume.

Will ClaimShuttle 3270 Users still need their FISS/DDE emulators after April 7, 2014?

  • Yes because you may still use FISS/DDE to do your Part A claim corrections, track your payments, check claim status and DDE your claims.

If you are are current ClaimShuttle user and would like to verify if Eligibility is enabled for your account just login to your account and click on the Organization link. To begin using the ClaimShuttle Eligibility page just add the Eligibility User role to your User ID under securities, log off and log back in and click on "Check Eligibility".  (If Eligibility is currently disabled on your account, please give us a call at 602.439.2525 and we'll gladly activate it for you)


See the MedLearn Article on this by clicking here

Tuesday, December 10, 2013 - 14:49

Stage 3 Meaningful use delayed until 2017

CMS has announced that the Meaningful use Stage 2 timeline will be extended through 2016 and Stage 3 will not be starting until January 2017 for providers participating in the Meaningful use program.

  •  For Eligibile Professionals, Stage 3 will begin on January 2017
  • For Eligible Hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals, Stage 3 will begin on October 2016.

Click on this link for more information:

